Jun 25Liked by Michelle Martin

I just picked up my hold on this from the library, so I'm hoping to get to it soon! It sounds a lot like the July release I just read ~ Until Next Summer by Ali Brady ~ so I may need to wait a little bit so there's not too much sameness to be able to truly enjoy this one for what it is?

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Yes! That sounds like the right plan. Gotta space 'em out.

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Jun 25Liked by Michelle Martin

I have such fond memories of my summer camp, so can't wait for this one! In a New York Minute was super charming too-- it's one of my go-to recs for readers dipping a toe into romance.

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It's such a great one, I love how breezy and easy her stories are and truly funny.

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Jun 25Liked by Michelle Martin

I really liked this book. I love a good setting, and this one made me want to head to the East coast and hang out on a lake for the summer. I also loved her friend group and how important they were to each other. So many things to like about this book.

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Exactly! Such a good one.

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Jun 26Liked by Michelle Martin

Sounds like such a fun summer read! The camp vibes remind me of a book I read last summer that I really liked called “Summer of the Songbirds” by Kristy Woodson Harvey. A good camp setting is perfect for summer! I’m also part of the Modern Mrs Darcy bookclub and the theme this year is Summer camp!

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I'll have to look that book up! And I love that the MMD theme is summer camp, her summer reading guide was so fun and themed!

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Summer camp is a vibe I’m always down for.

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So fun, right?!

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