Jun 18Liked by Michelle Martin

BookStacks 🥹 I love this! And I love your recommendations—I’ve found so many wonderful new bookish friends through you. It’s been so wonderful spending more time here (and much less on IG) 🥰

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Yes! I want everyone to make the jump but also sorta want to keep our little book bubble intimate 😂

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Jun 18Liked by Michelle Martin

A new-to-me newsletter that isn't really new to many people is A Strong Sense of Place! I love their place-themed book recommendations and community building so much.

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Oh wow, I love the idea of this!

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Jun 18Liked by Michelle Martin

I'm in love with their podcast too!

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SSoP is just the best podcast and their newsletter has so many fun things in it and rabbit holes to travel down. :)

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Jun 18Liked by Michelle Martin

Michelle! Thank you so much, it's a huge honor. I also hadn't yet come across Calia's BookStack, so I followed asap!

I appreciate you!

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You're welcome, I'm happy to spread the bookish love ◡̈

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Jun 18Liked by Michelle Martin

Thank you so much for including me here !

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So deserved! Your stack is delightful :)

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Tara, you're welcome! I've loved getting to read your bookish thoughts.

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Jun 18Liked by Michelle Martin

I love this! Thanks for including me ❤️

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You're welcome, Calia! I adore your posts so much.

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Jun 18Liked by Michelle Martin

Working on a new one as we speak! So flattered again, thank you.

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Thank you for introducing me to these. I am a Lowbrow Highbrow superfan but the other ones weren't on my radar!

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Yay! Happy reading ◡̈

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Jun 18Liked by Michelle Martin

Oh Michelle, this means so much to me, coming from YOU.

I personally feel that Substack was MADE for book people and of all my years reading and writing on the internet, I feel like THIS is the place that fits US the best.

I am so flattered and excited to be mentioned here by one my favorite Bookstackers, among some of my favorites and alongside exciting new (for me) publications!!! THANK YOU!

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The irony is not lost on me that I just discovered Tara Bañuelos' Substack because of this list and read the linked post which wonders if there is room for more bookish content on Substack and the resounding answer is YES. There is room for everyone and it certainly makes *my* bookish life that much better. Love this list 🖤

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Yes! Community over competition always ◡̈

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Oh hooray!!!!

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Thank you for all these suggestions. Some are new to me. I was going to call out Abra McAndrews' Book Stack Directory, but I think you referenced that in another post.

If any of your readers are Alice Munro fans, my Quiet Reading letter just finished a few weeks' of tribute to the late short story writer. About fifteen or sixteen people posted moving and thoughtful tributes to her last week that are collected here: https://tarapenry.substack.com/p/alice-munro-virtual-memorial. At the moment, my home page looks like a Munro memorial too: https://tarapenry.substack.com/. Sorry if the call for the memorial missed anyone who would have liked to participate! I can still add posts from fellow book-lovers to the web page.

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Thanks for sharing, Tara!

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Thank you so much for sharing my newsletter, Michelle -- you're so kind 🤎 I've also found some new bookish Substacks to follow! This community is so wonderful and I've also found myself spending so much more time away from Instagram because of that!

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It’s so good, right? ☺️

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Jun 19Liked by Michelle Martin

Such great recommendations!

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Oooo thanks for sharing, what an absolutely lovely list. So excited to dive into all of these!

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Also can I ask how you shared everyone's substacks and your previous posts like that?? It looks so beautiful and crisp!

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I just copy and paste the link to their (or my) posts when I’m creating my post and you have a few options of how it displays that you can toggle through!

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Oh wow - I've always just linked it to words - never knew that was an option. Thank you!

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these look amazing, excited to dive in! i've been working on my own bookish newsletter and having a blast coming up with themes and sharing these titles hoping they'll find the right person.


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I love seeing Madeline’s page on here! I’ve followed a few of these as well—they’re all so unique!

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So cool seeing @Madeline Mills on here!!

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